To prioritize saving you have to think of it as a bill you have to pay yourself. Even if it’s just a small amount, saving can help you build up an emergency fund or a retirement account. Settle all your monthly expenses and savings, then you’ll have a bit of flexibility of the money that’s left. If you find yourself over spending month to month, you may want to try tracking your spending. Here are simple ways in doing this:
- Envelop method. This may sound old fashioned but still proven effective. Putting a set amount of cash in separate envelops each month for different purposes like groceries, transportation, eating out, purchase, can help you set limits on what you spend. So, if you find yourself spending more than you have available in your envelopes, you might need to make adjustments the following month.
- Card Statement. Use a single debit or credit card that can track and categorize for you. By keeping all of your purchases in one card, you’ll only have one monthly statement that will show much you spend and where you spent it. This will make it easier to see where you are over spending and how you might cut back. Many banks nowadays have online tools, that can categorize your spending for you. This will give you an idea on what you spend on different things like entertainment, groceries or dining out. Many banks also offer account alerts that will let you know if your reach a certain spending limit.
- Rewarding your self can make you feel motivated when managing your money. As long as it does not push you to over spend.
- Make sure to follow the basics in spending:
- Make sure your needs are covered.
- Manage your debts and savings
- Avoid overspending